BC NDP MLA Joan Phillip says people living in Vancouver will have better access to essential community services, thanks to funding for capital projects that help not-for-profit organizations improve and expand their facilities and programs. “The Kettle Friendship Society provides …
News for Joan Phillip
back to Joan PhillipBC NDP MLA Joan Phillip says funding will create jobs and strengthen economy in Vancouver
BC New Democrat MLA Joan Phillip says funding for local agritech projects and training will create new jobs and strengthen the local economy in Vancouver. “There’s a lot of brilliant work underway to make sure B.C. continues to have access …
BC NDP MLA Joan Phillip says funding will support training for in-demand careers
VANCOUVER – BC NDP MLA Joan Phillip says that people will benefit from tuition-free programs to help train for high-demand post-secondary programs and meet their career goals at Native Education College and Vancouver Community College. “Everyone deserves a chance to learn and pursue …
NDP MLA Joan Phillip says more $10 a Day child care spaces are coming to Vancouver
NDP MLA Joan Phillip says more $10 a Day child care spaces are coming to Vancouver VANCOUVER – New Democrat MLA Joan Phillip says families in Vancouver will save money on child care as local child care sites become $10 …
MLA Joan Phillip says new community space will improve food security, services for people in East Vancouver
VANCOUVER – New Democrat MLA Joan Phillip says a new community space for Britannia Community Services Centre Society will improve food security and access to social programs for vulnerable households and people across East Vancouver. “Everyone deserves the supports and services that …
NDP MLA Joan Phillip says expanded adult literacy program will help people build essential skills
VANCOUVER – New Democrat MLA Joan Phillip says people looking to improve their skills in reading, writing, math, and digital literacy will benefit from increased access to free adult literacy programs across B.C. “Improving reading, writing, and math skills can help someone turn …
Newest MLAs sworn into B.C. Legislature
VICTORIA – Ravi Parmar and Joan Phillip were sworn into the Legislature today as the new BC New Democrat MLAs for Langford-Juan de Fuca and Vancouver-Mount Pleasant following their victories in the provincial by-elections held June 24, 2023. The two new …
NDP MLAs say projects in Vancouver will promote mass timber products
VANCOUVER – New Democrat MLAs George Chow and Joan Phillip say new projects in Vancouver will use mass timber products, which reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help grow the province’s clean economy. “With so many people moving to the River District, keeping …