Andrew Wilkinson is standing by his caucus’s decision to run ads in The Light Magazine, a social conservative publication that has condemned homosexuality and promoted conversion therapy.
Wilkinson appears in ads from the BC Liberal Caucus alongside content arguing that SOGI-123 makes schools a “dangerous place to have our children” and that a bill to ban conversion therapy “infringes upon Canadian freedoms, including the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, the freedom of religion, and the freedom to practice our professions according to our expertise.” (PressProgress, June 26 2020)
A number of other anti-LGBTQ articles are easily accessible on Light’s website.
When asked about the ads, the BC Liberal Caucus issued a statement defending its decision to use public funds to support the magazine.
Wilkinson also continues to place confidence in his Children and Families critic Laurie Throness, who Wilkinson appointed to the role despite his record of rejecting trans identities and opposing measures that keep LGBTQ kids safe, like SOGI-123.
BC NDP MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert:
“It’s deeply troubling that Andrew Wilkinson and other BC Liberal MLAs would spend thousands of dollars supporting a publication that is actively homophobic, and that campaigns against the existence of families like mine. He should apologize immediately and commit to stop advertising in this discriminatory magazine.”