BC NDP MLAs say funding will support youth in Surrey

SURREY – BC NDP MLAs Garry Begg and Bruce Ralston say new funding for Foundry centres will help youth in Surrey to find employment or reach their educational goals through mentoring, skill building, and job placement services.

“Foundry centres across British Columbia impact the lives of so many young people in such meaningful ways” says Garry Begg, MLA for Surrey-Guildford. “I’m excited to see the Surrey location offer the Work and Education program that will help prepare our youth for their future endeavours.”

The provincial government is providing $9 million to expand the Work and Education program to six more Foundry locations across B.C., including the soon-to-be-open Surrey location. The program is already offered at 12 Foundry locations where it will continue, and is also available virtually.

“It is important to make sure that youth in our community have the skills to be successful in life,” said Bruce Ralston, MLA for Surrey-Whalley. “By providing this new program, we are striving to remove barriers and ensure that no one is left behind.”

This free program is available to youth ages 15 to 24, and provides support with health, counselling, mentoring, education, skill development, and job placement, so young people can explore career opportunities, develop job and life skills, and work towards their goals. Those interested in participating or learning more can reach out to their local Foundry centre or online and don’t require referral to access these services.

Since 2021, the Work & Education Program has supported over 1,300 young people around B.C., with this funding the program can increase from supporting 500 youth a year to 800 a year, on average. Foundry is a provincewide network of centres to support youth mental and physical health and wellbeing, offering a range of free, individualized, and confidential services. There are currently 18 Foundry Centres in operation across B.C., with 17 more in development.

Learn More: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2024SDPR0010-001120