MLA Jennifer Rice says funding will support Indigenous-led clean energy projects

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METLAKATLA– New Democrat MLA Jennifer Rice says local First Nations will be better able to meet their energy needs with funding for clean energy projects.

“The BC Indigenous Clean Energy Initiative represents a significant step towards a more sustainable and green future,” says Jennifer Rice, MLA for North Coast. “By supporting diverse projects—like solar PV systems and wind feasibility studies—this funding will empower communities to harness local resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and build sustainable energy infrastructure.”

On the North Coast, two projects are receiving funding:

  •  Metlakatla First Nation
    • $300,000 towards feasibility studies for a wind project.
  • Lax Kwa’alaams
    • $295,000 towards the installation of a residential rooftop solar PV system on approximately 25 homes in the community.

Throughout B.C., 35 First Nations are receiving funding through the BC Indigenous Clean Energy Initiative (BCICEI), a partnership between the provincial and federal governments and the New Relationship Trust (NRT). Since 2016, the Initiative has supported over 135 projects with approximately $30 million.

Projects funded through this program include clean energy generation, energy efficiency and energy storage, helping First Nations to meet their energy needs and prepare for future needs while creating more jobs for people in their communities.