NDP MLA Mitzi Dean says funding for new playground will mean more fun for kids in Colwood

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ROYAL BAY New Democrat MLA Mitzi Dean says students at Dunsmuir Middle School will soon be playing on a new accessible playground, thanks to $195,000 in provincial funding.

“On the playground, kids learn to cooperate, play, and take care of each other,” said Mitzi Dean, MLA for Esquimalt-Metchosin. “By helping fund a new playground at Dunsmuir Middle School, students and kids in our community will have another place to learn and grow.”

This year, New Democrats are investing $5 million in 25 new accessible playgrounds for 25 school districts across the province. Playgrounds are expected to be designed, built and installed in the next year.

Playgrounds help kids stay active outdoors while learning to cooperate, build conflict resolution skills, and overcome challenges. Playing outside reduces anxiety and improves focus, helping kids to learn in the classroom. This funding will reduce parent-led local fundraising that was previously needed to build playgrounds

Since 2018, the New Democrat government has invested $35 million to fund 256 new playgrounds at schools throughout the province, benefiting more than 63,000 students.

Learn More: https://news.gov.bc.ca/28774