NDP MLA Paddon says grant will strengthen service at local organization in Chilliwack

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CHILLIWACK – New Democrat MLA Kelli Paddon says a community grant for a not-for-profit in Chilliwack will help the organization buy equipment and upgrade their facilities in order to improve their services for people and animals.

“The Chilliwack Animal Safe Haven Society does important work and I’m glad this funding will help them switch to more efficient energy. Solar panels will help the rescue to reduce costs while keeping all the animals safe and warm,” said Kelli Paddon, MLA for Chilliwack-Kent.

The Community Gaming Grants program is providing $5.3 million to 49 not-for-profit that will allow them to make improvements so that they can keep on delivering services to people.

The Chilliwack Animal Safe Haven Society will be receiving $40,485 to install solar panels and heat pumps to help reduce operational costs.

This funding is part of the $140 million distributed annually to not-for-profit organizations that deliver services and make life better for people throughout British Columbia.

Learn More: https://news.gov.bc.ca/28244

The full list of grant recipients for this round of funding is available here: https://news.gov.bc.ca/files/CGG_Capital_Project_Grants_2022-23.pdf