NDP MLA Ronna-Rae Leonard says more $10 a Day childcare spaces coming to Courtenay

COURTENAY – New Democrat MLA Ronna-Rae Leonard says families in Courtenay will save money on childcare as more local childcare sites become $10 a Day ChildCareBC sites where fees are capped at a maximum of $200 a month per child.

“Families now have more affordable options for childcare in the Comox Valley, and this makes a real difference for them and our entire community,” said MLA Leonard. “We’re working hard on our commitment to bring affordable childcare to everyone, and this is another big step on that journey. A huge thank you to the providers and ECEs who help make this possible.”

Two Today ‘n’ Tomorrow Learning Society locations in the Comox Valley are becoming $10 a Day ChildCareBC sites, which means 43 childcare spaces will have fees dramatically reduced for parents.

This increases the number of $10 a Day ChildCareBC spaces available for families across the province, from 2,500 when the program began in 2018, to more than 6,500. Through a partnership with the Government of Canada, the number of $10 a Day ChildCareBC spaces in the province will more than double again to 12,500 by December 2022.

In addition to $10 a Day childcare spaces, the BC New Democrat government is helping tens of thousands of families save as much as $1,600 a month on child care through the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative and the Affordable Child Care Benefit.

By the end of this year, the average rate of childcare will be reduced by 50% from 2019 levels for children five and younger.

For more information on the $10 a Day ChildCareBC sites and spaces: www.gov.bc.ca/childcare10aDaysites