NDP MLA says funding for emergency response and recovery will keep people safer in the West Kootenays

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WEST KOOTENAYS  New Democrat MLA Katrine Conroy says that emergency response and recovery efforts will be strengthened with funding for local emergency operations centres in the West Kootenays.

“People in the Kootenays know how important it is to pull together in the face of emergencies and times of need,” said Katrine Conroy, MLA for Kootenay West. “This grant will support Castlegar and the Central Kootenay Regional District to work with the community to provide critical supports through emergency operations centres when it’s needed most.”

The following local governments are receiving funding in the West Kootenays:

  • Castlegar, EOC essentials training – $6,774
  • Central Kootenay Regional District, EOC alternate site – $30,000

Nearly $3 million in funding from the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF) is going to over 100 local governments and First Nations across B.C. The funding will assist in purchasing and installing equipment and supplies to maintain or improve emergency operations centres.

Emergency operations centres are an essential part of emergency response, where representatives come together to co-ordinate actions and resources, and to support people responding on the ground.

Learn More: https://news.gov.bc.ca/28856