NDP MLAs Dean and Parmar say funding will support crime prevention projects on the West Shore

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ESQUIMALT –New Democrat MLAs Mitzi Dean and Ravi Parmar say that people on the West Shore will benefit from projects that will advance public safety, help prevent violence, and promote healing.

“People in our region will be able to find more healing and access support to recover from harmful experiences,” said Mitzi Dean, MLA for Esquimalt-Metchosin. “With $ 280,000 in funding, these local initiatives can continue to do important work.”

In the West Shore, seven projects are receiving a total of $280,000 to implement crime prevention and remediation projects in their community. Local projects include:

  • Boys and Girls Club Services of Greater Victoria, Youth Outreach Program – $40,000
  • Pacific Centre Family Services Association, Family Violence Prevention Program – $40,000
  • Peers Victoria Resources Society, Violence Prevention and Response Program – $40,000
  • Peers Victoria Resources Society, SACRED Program – $40,000
  • Tau Wellness Association, Betwix’d Performing Arts Youth Collective Program – $40,000
  • Whitecrow Village FASD Society, workshops – $40,000
  • WITS Programs Foundation Society, LEADS Program – $40,000

“Young people are grappling with new and unforeseen challenges. As a young person myself, I see my peers facing these issues, and as a former school board chair, I understand that these struggles impact youth of all ages,” said Ravi Parmar, MLA for Langford-Juan de Fuca. “The funding being provided to these organizations will support programs that assist young people, who are among those most in need of allies in their corner.”

The New Democrat government is providing $8.2 million in one-time grants through the Civil Forfeiture Grant Program to support 189 community projects across the province. These projects are being led by local governments, community-based not-for-profits, school districts, health authorities, academic institutions, police departments and Indigenous organizations.

The Civil Forfeiture Office was established in 2006 with the purpose of removing the tools and proceeds of unlawful activity and redirecting them back into programs that support community safety and crime prevention initiatives.

Learn More:

Provincial News Release: https://news.gov.bc.ca/30892