NDP MLAs Dean and Parmar say funding will support tourism and community events like Island FanCon and Langford Beer Festival

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LANGFORD – New Democrat MLAs Mitzi Dean and Ravi Parmar say that funding will help ensure local fairs, festivals and events can provide fun and excitement for residents and visitors alike.

“Our community shines when we have local events happening to bring people together,” said Mitzi Dean, MLA for Esquimalt-Metchosin. “This funding will help more events run successfully throughout our region and bring people together to enjoy food, arts, culture, sports, and more!”

In the West Shore, 18 events are receiving over $147,000 in funding, including Island FanCon, Langford Beer Fest, and the Pacific Cup.

“Langford, Sooke and the West Shore are quickly becoming go-to spots for events in our region. We have passionate fans, welcoming spaces, and a growing community that brings people from all over to see what’s going on in our area. This funding will help more events run and continue to run here as we continue to attract people to visit and live here,” said Ravi Parmar, MLA for Langford-Juan de Fuca.

Across B.C., $15 million in funding will support 1114 fairs, festivals, and events in 2024 and 2025.

Since 2021, the BC New Democrat government has provided $80 million through the Fairs, Festivals, and Events Fund, helping event organizers to overcome ongoing challenges and ensure fun experiences are available for residents and visitors around the province.

Find a full list of events funded at: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/tourism-immigration/tourism-resources/tourism-funding-programs/fairs-festivals-events-fund#recipients