LANGLEY – New Democrat MLAs Megan Dykeman and Andrew Mercier say more people in Langley will benefit from improved arts spaces and facilities thanks to the BC New Democrat government’s continued support of artists throughout B.C. The Langley Arts Council will be benefitting from this Arts Infrastructure funding.
“The Langley Arts Council is such a great resource for artistic expression in the community,” said Megan Dykeman, MLA for Langley-East. “This funding under the specialized equipment stream will ensure that even more people can explore the arts!”
The Langley Arts Council will be benefitting from this Arts Infrastructure funding, receiving a grant for $40,000.
“Arts programs give so much to the community and the Langley Arts Council is no exception!,” said Andrew Mercier, MLA for Langley. “This funding will help them continue to deliver popular local events, like drop-in paint classes and open mic nights.”
Through the Arts Infrastructure Program a total of 84 arts and cultural organizations will share in $4 million in grant funding. The program provides grants to arts and cultural organizations to develop and enhance spaces that support B.C.’s arts and cultural practitioners. Eligible activities include planning and consultation and capital improvements, such as improving safety features; increasing accessibility; or purchasing specialized equipment.
In April, the BC Arts Council introduced its Extending Foundations: Action Plan 2022-2024 which marked a shift in focus in the way the council provides funding to respond to calls to action for reconciliation, diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.
In alignment with these commitments, 50 per cent of grants in this recent round of Arts infrastructure funding was distributed to organizations from rural or remote communities or those led by or rooted in Indigenous and equity-deserving communities.
Learn More:
To learn more about these grants and see the list of recipients, visit: Enhancing spaces for arts and culture organizations | BC Gov News