Andrew Wilkinson says he won’t reveal his tax plans until after the next election, reports Mike Smyth in this morning’s Province. At a recent town-hall with BC Liberal members, Wilkinson was asked directly if he would eliminate the employer health …
7 Times the BC Liberals used Community Benefit Agreements
When the BC Liberals were in power, they built or expanded seven dams with Project Labour Agreements: Seven Mile Unit #4 – Seismic Upgrade (2003) Brilliant Power Plant (2007) Revelstoke Unit #5 (2011) Mica Unit #5 (2014) Waneta Power Plant …
BC Liberals side with price-gouging oil companies (again)
The BC Liberals are already putting up road blocks to new NDP legislation that forces companies to be publicly accountable for gas prices. Instead of backing the legislation, BC Liberal Environment Critic Peter Milobar is concerned the law will infringe …
As report confirms gouging at the pump, Wilkinson continues to defend oil companies
Despite a BCUC report confirming yesterday that big oil companies were unable to defend their high gas prices, BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson still refuses to denounce companies for price-gouging. Wilkinson previously defended oil companies, accusing government of “making …
712,122 reasons Andrew Wilkinson opposes inquiry into gas price gouging
When John Horgan challenged big gas companies for gouging British Columbians last spring, BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson leaped to defend the companies: “Now [John Horgan]’s making up these demons that they like to invent in the NDP. Some bad …
Report shows NDP action to tackle speculation is helping more people buy homes
VICTORIA – The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver’s (REBGV) analysis of October housing trends shows that moderated home prices in Metro Vancouver are giving British Columbians a better chance to buy a home. REBGV President Ashley Smith says that …
Wilkinson’s whoppers on ICBC continue to pile up
BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson continues to make false statements about ICBC to cover his government’s embarrassing record. Here’s a recap of some of Wilkinson’s ICBC whoppers: Whopper 1: When challenged on Former Transportation Minister Todd Stone’s 2015 attempt to …
Claim Wilkinson Called ‘Nonsense’ Proves True [With Video]
New video shows BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson was making stuff up when he denied his MLA once tried to give away a $3 million ICBC building and land to lobbyists. Before the video came out, Wilkinson called the claim …
Andrew Wilkinson can’t deny BC Liberals tried to give away $3 million building to lobbyists
On Thursday, Attorney General David Eby revealed that former BC Liberal Transportation Minister Todd Stone tried to give away an ICBC building and land worth $3 million to the Automotive Retailers Association (ARA). In the transcript of the 2015 speech, …
BC Liberal Leader Wilkinson refuses to look into the rear view mirror as BC NDP government works to pull ICBC out of the ditch
When BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson is looking to cast blame for the challenges at ICBC he should look in the rear view mirror. While he sat at the cabinet table, Wilkinson and his cabinet colleagues made a series of …