HandyDART services suffering as Liberals stall on TransLink

VANCOUVER– Transit services for people with disabilities in the Lower Mainland are becoming less accessible, but the Liberal government continues to stall instead of fixing the escalating service pressures at TransLink. “Denials of HandyDART transit services have risen seven-fold in …

Liberals target independent voices in secretive core review

VICTORIA– The B.C. Liberal government is continuing down the road of silencing independent voices and bringing decision-making closer to the cabinet table with changes to the Pacific Carbon Trust and the Provincial Capital Commission under the core review, say New …

Liberals gambling on future of B.C. Ferries

VICTORIA– The Liberal government has announced deep cuts to ferry routes, a callous cut to seniors’ discounts and plans to raise extra cash through slot machines, once again showing they don’t understand the critical importance of B.C.’s ferry system, say …