VICTORIA- The B.C. Liberals’ failure to fully participate in the Joint Review Panel (JRP) on the Northern Gateway pipeline puts caribou populations at risk, say the New Democrats. “A recent B.C. government report highlights threats to endangered caribou herds posed …
B.C. NDP will reestablish industry-led tourism marketer
VANCOUVER – B.C. New Democrat leader Adrian Dix and tourism critic Spencer Chandra Herbert announced that a New Democrat government will restore Tourism BC as an industry-led, formula-funded provincial tourism marketer. “We need to put marketing British Columbia back in …
B.C. New Democrats question premier on Canada-China FIPPA
VICTORIA – B.C. New Democrat critic for economic development and trade Jenny Kwan wrote to Premier Christy Clark last week to ask what the B.C. government has done to protect the interests of British Columbians and evaluate the impacts on …
New Democrats to premier: Did you sign away B.C. jobs to foreign mining companies?
VICTORIA – B.C.’s New Democrats are challenging Premier Christy Clark to share the details of the trade agreements she announced during her 2011 China trade mission, and questioning whether provisions were made to ensure jobs would be created for British …
Corrigan asks Bond about lack of action on fire report recommendations
BURNABY – New Democrat public safety critic Kathy Corrigan has written to Justice Minister Shirley Bond asking why there has been seemingly no action taken on a 2009 report aimed at improving fire safety in British Columbia. A report by …
New Democrats would withdraw B.C. from federal Enbridge review; would initiate “made in B.C.” process to protect B.C.’s interests
VANCOUVER – A New Democrat government will withdraw from the federal government’s Enbridge Northern Gateway Project review process and set up a “made in B.C.” environmental assessment to ensure the province’s interests are protected, B.C. New Democrat leader Adrian Dix …
New Democrat leader Adrian Dix makes critic assignment changes
VANCOUVER – B.C. New Democrat leader Adrian Dix announced changes to critic assignments Wednesday, saying his team will continue to work hard to earn the trust of British Columbians and offer a positive alternative to the B.C. Liberals. “Our team …
Exel Logistics and lobbyists prompt Liberal government to privatize liquor distribution in B.C.
A freedom of Information package received by the NDP shows the Liberal government had no intention of privatizing the Liquor Distribution Branch warehouses, until Exel Logistics and their hired lobbyists presented their own business plan to the Liberal Solicitor General. …
Documents reveal projected impacts of federal crime bills, Liberals admit B.C. jails already too overcrowded
VICTORIA – Government documents obtained through freedom of information show what the Liberals have been hiding for months: new federal crime legislation will have a major impact on B.C. jails, and planned developments won’t even address the current overcrowding, say …
Letter to Fairness Monitor on the privatization process of the Liquor Distribution Branch
Since the Liberal government announced its misguided intention to privatize the Liquor Distribution Branch, there have been a number of issues raised about the integrity of the process, including the failure to produce a business case showing this sell-off is …