Rustad condones his candidate’s attack on abortion rights

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This morning, CKNW’s Jas Johal posted comments by B.C. Conservative Candidate Damon Scrase describing abortion as “killing unborn children” and characterizing Canada as a “death worshipping society.”

At a press conference this afternoon, B.C. Conservative Leader Rustad condoned those comments and said “people are allowed to have their own views.”

Rustad claims he won’t “reopen the debate” but has refused to say he is pro-choice and is now allowing his candidates free reign to advocate against the right to choose. The provincial government is responsible for access to abortion.

Scrase’s tweets had been deleted at the time of Johal’s post, suggesting that John Rustad knew about these views but told his candidate to hide them.

Scrase has been regularly promoted by Rustad and Bruce Banman and joined them at the legislature last month.

Kelli Paddon, BC NDP Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity:

“It’s disturbing to read this candidate’s views, and it’s even more troubling to see John Rustad condone them. It shows that Rustad is completely unwilling to stand up to his candidates who want to restrict the rights of women. If the B.C. Conservatives ever got near power in B.C., the impact on women could be horrific.”