Services and supports expanded to help evacuees in the Cowichan Valley

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COWICHAN VALLEY – New Democrat MLA Doug Routley is welcoming funding to improve local emergency support services (ESS) for people evacuated from their homes during natural disasters or other emergencies.

“Emergency support services provide important relief when disasters strike in our communities,” said Doug Routley, MLA for Nanaimo-North Cowichan. “This funding to modernize equipment ensures people can count on these services in their time of need.”

In the Cowichan Valley, the following communities are receiving funding:

  • Cowichan Valley Regional District (including Ladysmith, Duncan, North Cowichan, and Lake Cowichan), $96,150 for Emergency Support Services 2023 Rapid Deployment Project
  • Cowichan Tribes, $30,000 for Emergency Support Services Modernization

In total, $2.2 million is being distributed to communities across the province. The funding will expand local capacity to provide emergency support services through volunteer recruitment, retention, training, and the purchase of supplies and equipment. This funding will also support the modernization of local ESS programs to move toward digital registration and reporting.

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