Statement from Adrian Dix and Doug Donaldson on National Aboriginal Day

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VICTORIA – Today, we join with all Canadians in celebrating National Aboriginal Day, and honouring Aboriginal, First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.

On this day, we remember extraordinary achievements past and present, and applaud the many aboriginal leaders who inspire their communities, both here in B.C. and across Canada.

We also consider the discrimination and impoverishment that Aboriginal people in B.C. still face as they strive to bring positive change in their communities, and achieve real representation in the decisions of government.

Aboriginal people across B.C. have come together to share their concerns about the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline project, and the impact this project will have on their traditional territory and on B.C.’s future. We applaud their action, and reiterate our call that the government withdraw from its deal with Ottawa and give First Nations, and all British Columbians, the right to say no to this project that will dramatically affect our future.

While we have much to celebrate this year, important work remains to be done. We will continue to call for our government to engage meaningfully with B.C. First Nations to address injustices past and present, and to take real action to support positive growth and achievement in Aboriginal communities.