Statement from Andrew Mercier on the BC Liberal name change

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Andrew Mercier, BC NDP MLA for Langley, has issued the following statement on the BC Liberal name change:

“If the BC Liberals really wanted to renew, they wouldn’t have chosen a leader with a 12-year record of making life harder and more expensive for people.

“As Finance Minister, Kevin Falcon handed giveaways to big corporations and paid for it by hiking ICBC rates and MSP premiums on everyone else.

“As Transportation Minister, he hit commuters with unfair tolls and he still insists that was ‘the right thing to do.’

“As Health Minister, Kevin Falcon promised everyone a family doctor by 2015. Then he made the shortage worse by cutting healthcare and rejecting a second medical school.

“And as BC Liberal Leader, he has repeatedly opposed David Eby’s action plan to build more housing and take on speculators that drive up prices.

“Regardless of what he calls his party, he’s not working for regular British Columbians. He is only interested in working to help himself and those already at the top.

“Kevin Falcon can change his party’s name, but not his record.”