VICTORIA – BC NDP MLA Nina Krieger says more people in Victoria will be able to safely and conveniently choose active transportation to get around, thanks to provincial funding. “I’m excited to see improvements to both the Cook Street and …
News for Nina Krieger
back to Nina KriegerBC NDP MLAs say stronger community services coming to Greater Victoria
SAANICH – BC NDP MLAs Nina Krieger, Diana Gibson, and Lana Popham say people living in Greater Victoria will have better access to essential community services, thanks to funding for capital projects that help not-for-profit organizations improve and expand their …
BC NDP MLAs say Greater Victoria will be better equipped to defend against climate change
VICTORIA – BC NDP MLAs Grace Lore, Murray Rankin, and Rob Fleming say people in Victoria, Oak Bay, and Saanich will be safer during emergencies, with provincial funding that will better equip local governments and First Nations to reduce the …
Greater Victoria MLAs award King Charles III Coronation Medal to outstanding local citizens
VICTORIA – Greater Victoria BC NDP MLAs presented the King Charles III Coronation Medal to numerous citizens today during a ceremony at the Union Club of British Columbia. “Our city has so many amazing advocates and people doing grassroots work …
BC NDP MLAs Lore and Fleming say grants will support local sports in Victoria
VICTORIA – BC NDP MLAs Grace Lore and Rob Fleming say grants for local not-for-profits will support sports organizations so that people can stay active and healthy in Victoria. “Investing in community sport is not only about helping people stay active but …
MLA Rob Fleming says active transportation project will create new connections for people in Saanich
SAANICH – BC NDP MLA Rob Fleming says people will have more options for walking, biking, and rolling with pedestrian and cycling infrastructure on the way for Saanich “People using the Galloping Goose in the Tillicum area will benefit from …
Greater Victoria NDP MLAs says funding will support crime prevention projects
VICTORIA –New Democrat MLAs Grace Lore, Lana Popham, Rob Fleming, and Murray Rankin say that people in Greater Victoria will benefit from projects that will advance public safety, help prevent violence, and promote healing. “When people have access to the …
Greater Victoria MLAs say funding will support tourism and community events like Rifflandia, Pride, and TC10K
VICTORIA – New Democrat MLAs Grace Lore, Rob Fleming, Murray Rankin, and Lana Popham say that funding will help ensure local fairs, festivals and events can provide fun and excitement for residents and visitors alike. “Victoria has so many fantastic local …
NDP MLAs Fleming and Popham say families in Saanich will receive help with costs of school activities and supplies
SAANICH – New Democrat MLAs Rob Fleming and Lana Popham say families who are struggling with expenses for school activities will be receiving more support from their school districts. “More kids will be able to learn effectively and enjoy exciting …
NDP MLAs Lore and Fleming say funding will help local governments to deliver housing faster in Victoria
VICTORIA – New Democrat MLAs Grace Lore and Rob Fleming say local governments are receiving funding that will help them implement new provincial legislation to build more homes for people faster. “We know that housing in our province hasn’t kept up with the …