Burnaby MLAs welcome BC Arts Council Grants for Burnaby

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BURNABY – Local MLAs Katrina Chen and Raj Chouhan are welcoming $142,500 through the province’s BC Arts Council Grant Program for community projects that will create new programs that encourage more inclusivity and accessibility in the creative sector, including those that support emerging Indigenous artists.

Recipients in Burnaby benefiting from this latest round of grants include:

  • Burnaby Arts Council: $33,000
  • Burnaby Art Gallery: $20,000
  • Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre: $42,000
  • Simon Fraser University Galleries: $13,000
  • Individuals receiving Arts Awards in Creative Writing
    • Doretta Lau: $6,000
    • Jennifer S. Lee, $12,000
    • Jacqueline M. Pearce: $11,000
    • Adam G. Warren: $5,500

Budget 2019 announced an additional $15 million over the next three years to the BC Arts Council, bringing its annual budget to $34 million in 2019-20.

In addition to new programs, this investment will also enable the council to further build on the funding increase provided in 2018 to enhance the capacity of arts and culture organizations in more than 200 communities.


Katrina Chen, MLA for Burnaby-Lougheed

“B.C.’s arts community is part of a creative and sustainable economy that works for people, and this funding means Burnaby creators can further develop the arts in our community.”

Raj Chouhan, MLA for Burnaby-Edmonds

“These organizations play a key role in the vibrancy of our community. It is through funding streams like these grants that we are able to increase our programming for children, families, and seniors.”

Learn More: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2019TAC0018-000380