NDP MLA Susie Chant says new overpass will create safer routes for active transportation

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NORTH VANCOUVER – MLA Susie Chant says cyclists and pedestrians in North Vancouver will have a safer and easier crossing of Highway 1 thanks to a new active transportation overpass.

“People are increasingly using bike and trail networks to get around North Vancouver, but Highway 1 still cuts through sections,” said Susie Chant, MLA for North Vancouver-Seymour. “This overpass will give cyclists and pedestrians a safer choice when crossing the highway and connecting with our communities.”

The Casano-Loutet overpass will offer people a link between Loutet park and the Cedar Village neighbourhood. Creating safe active transportation connections between communities gives people more options when deciding on how to get to school, work or recreational activities. The overpass will connect existing active transportation networks and be important for future expansions.

Discussions about this project with the community highlighted the importance of the location of the overpass and the amenities people need for comfort and safety when making east-west connections. The design includes built-in lighting, seating areas and a gradual incline to ensure it is accessible to users of all ages and abilities.

The province is contributing $4 million, with additional funding from the City of North Vancouver and TransLink. The projected total for the overpass is $10.7 million.

Construction is expected to begin in Summer 2024. The completion date for project is subject to ongoing consultation with construction companies.


“People want a safe and accessible way to shop, commute, and move between neighbourhoods. For too long our transportation network has been designed for the movement of cars rather than people. The Casano-Loutet Overpass will connect two communities in the City that were cut off from one another by the creation of Highway-1 and provide an active connection that has not been available to residents since the 1960s when the highway came to the North Shore. That’s why I am so pleased that we have received the investment we need to proceed with construction. Soon people of all ages and abilities, particularly students at Sutherland Secondary, will be able to walk, roll, or ride over the highway. This is exactly the kind of infrastructure local governments need to build healthy communities. I thank the province, in particular Minister Rob Fleming and MLA Susie Chant for championing this investment.”

– City of North Vancouver Mayor Linda Buchanan

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Learn more about CleanBC at: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/climate-change/action/cleanbc/cleanbc_roadmap_2030.pdf