NDP MLAs Sheila Malcolmson and George Anderson say active transportation projects in Nanaimo and Lantzville will keep people moving towards sustainability

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NANAIMO – NDP MLAs Sheila Malcolmson and George Anderson more people in Nanaimo and Lantzville will be able to safely and conveniently choose active transportation to get around, thanks to provincial funding.

“People are changing the way they travel and use roadways,” says Sheila Malcolmson, MLA for Nanaimo-Gabriola Island. “So we’re investing in improvements to Third Street and crosswalks across Nanaimo to make journeys to school and work safer and more convenient.”

The following projects in the Nanaimo area are receiving funding:

  • Nanaimo (1) – Crosswalk upgrades that improve active transportation routes
    • Crosswalk upgrades to improve active transportation at seven locations.
    • $487,289.00
  • Nanaimo (2) – Third Street active transportation improvements
    • Widening of Third Street to allow for active-transportation improvements, including bike lanes and a sidewalk.
    • $459,000.00
  • Lantzville Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP)
    • A comprehensive update of the Lantzville Trails and Journey ways Strategy (2010) to develop and expand an AAA active transportation network: New plan.
    • $50,000
  • Regional District of Nanaimo (Cedar Village) ATNP
    • The development of a plan to identify and develop safer and more contemporary active transportation methods and infrastructure that addresses conflict areas and prioritizes safety and comfort for all users: Update of an existing plan.
    • $50,000
  • Snuneymuxw First Nation ATNP
    • A plan to develop safe, efficient, and sustainable active transportation infrastructure, as well as end-of-route culturally reflective benches, shelters and water fountain locations. New plan.
    • $50,000

“These investments will help people in Nanaimo and Lantzville get around safer and more efficiently,” says George Anderson, MLA for Nanaimo-Lantzville. “After fifteen years, the Lantzville Trails and Journey ways Strategy is ready for an update, and our government is working with local counterparts to make that a reality.”

Across B.C., 62 projects and network plans are moving forward thanks to $24 million in cost-shared provincial funding.

The Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants program funds Indigenous, local, and regional governments with cost-sharing investments of up to $500,000 for infrastructure projects and as much as $50,000 in funding to develop active transportation network plans.

These grants support projects that help improve connections to employment, education, transit, and recreational centres around the province, helping people use active transportation options safely and efficiently in their communities.