Building a strong, sustainable economy with good jobs for people is a priority for Premier Horgan and the B.C. New Democrat government. Since July, the B.C. government: Travelled to Ottawa and Washington DC to fight for a fair deal on …
Improving Services
VICTORIA – Premier John Horgan and the B.C. government have been working hard for people in the legislature. Since July, the B.C. government has taken bold steps to improve the services people count on. Invested in student success by fully …
Making Life More Affordable
VICTORIA – As the fall session of the legislature draws to a close, much has been accomplished by the New Democrat government to make life more affordable for people. Since July, the B.C. government: Increased monthly income assistance and disability …
New Democrat and B.C. Green Caucuses form proportional representation working group
VICTORIA – The New Democrat and B.C. Green caucuses announced today that they have formed a working group on proportional representation, led by New Democrat MLA Bob D’Eith (Maple Ridge-Mission) and B.C. Green MLA Sonia Furstenau (Cowichan Valley). “My kids …
Reality Check: B.C. Liberal $1 billion ICBC mess is 9000 per cent worse than what they claimed
VICTORIA – The B.C. Liberal’s ICBC deficit is nearly $1 billion – dramatically higher than the $11 million they falsely told people before the election. Even worse, British Columbians are getting stuck with the bill after the B.C. Liberals raided …
$200 thousand pre-election government grant to B.C. Liberal insiders raises serious questions
VICTORIA – While the B.C. Liberal government claimed before the election they had no money to help the province’s most vulnerable people, they magically found $200,000 to give to two B.C. Liberal insiders for an organization they registered only a …
Mike de Jong thinks people in B.C. won’t remember his neglect on housing, education and child care
VICTORIA – B.C. Liberal leadership candidate Michael de Jong must think people in B.C. have forgotten 16 years of B.C. Liberal neglect on housing, child care and education as he announces things he refused to deliver while he was the …
B.C. Liberals Coleman and de Jong hiding from money laundering debate, say NDP
VICTORIA – The B.C. Liberals should answer for turning a blind eye to mounting evidence of money laundering in casinos while they were in government, said Doug Routley, MLA for Nanaimo-North Cowichan. “There are mounting questions for Rich Coleman and …
Reality Check: Todd Stone announces things he refused to do when he had the chance
VICTORIA – B.C. Liberal leadership candidate Todd Stone is announcing things for people today that he refused to do for people when he was in cabinet. After 16 years of B.C. Liberal neglect, Stone now claims that he is committed …
Following through on our commitments to people: The first 100 days of John Horgan’s B.C. New Democrat government
For a longer version of this release – including more information about each commitment – please click here. VICTORIA – Premier John Horgan and the New Democrat government have been working hard for people. After 16 years of a B.C. Liberal …