VANCOUVER – New Democrat MLAs Melanie Mark and Niki Sharma say funding for local Indigenous organizations will support the group’s economic and organizational resilience so they can continue their meaningful work for people and families in the community. “Being supported by …
Kevin Falcon welcomed federal cuts to healthcare funding
In 2011, Stephen Harper’s Conservative government announced plans to reduce annual increases to the Canada Health Transfer, finance ministers from nearly every province opposed the cut. Falcon was the cut’s only supporter: “From B.C.’s perspective, we think certainty is good …
NDP MLA Jennifer Rice says grant will support reconciliation in the North Coast
SKIDEGATE– New Democrat MLA Jennifer Rice says funding for a local Indigenous organization will support the group’s economic and organizational resilience so they can continue their meaningful work for people and families in the community. “The Haida Gwaii Museum showcases the …
NDP MLA says people in Stikine will benefit from funds to reduce the risks of disaster related to climate change
SMITHERS – New Democrat MLA Nathan Cullen says that people in Stikine will benefit from provincial funding to help reduce risks from future disaster related natural hazards and climate change. “Climate change has been, and will continue to be, part of British …
NDP MLA John Horgan says grant will support reconciliation in Langford
LANGFORD – New Democrat MLA John Horgan says funding for a local Indigenous organization will support the group’s economic and organizational resilience so they can continue their meaningful work for people and families in the community. “We’re working to advance meaningful reconciliation, …
NDP MLAs say people in Richmond will benefit from funds to reduce the risks of disaster related to climate change
RICHMOND – New Democrat MLAs Kelly Greene, Henry Yao and Aman Singh say that people in Richmond will benefit from provincial funding to help reduce risks from future disaster related natural hazards and climate change. “As we begin to feel the impacts …
NDP MLAs say people in Cowichan Valley will benefit from funds to reduce the risks of disaster related to climate change
COWICHAN VALLEY – New Democrat MLAs John Horgan and Doug Routley say that people in the Cowichan Valley will benefit from provincial funding to help reduce risks from future disaster related natural hazards and climate change. “Building up resilient infrastructure in our communities now will …
NDP MLAs say people in Greater Victoria will benefit from funds to reduce the risks of disaster related to climate change
VICTORIA – New Democrat MLAs Grace Lore and Lana Popham say that people in Greater Victoria will benefit from provincial funding to help reduce risks from future disaster related natural hazards and climate change. Climate change is already impacting communities around the province, and …
NDP MLAs say people in New Westminster will benefit from funds to reduce the risks of disaster related to climate change
NEW WESTMINSTER – New Democrat MLAs Aman Singh and Jennifer Whiteside say that people in Richmond will benefit from provincial funding to help reduce risks from future disaster related natural hazards and climate change. “With the unpredictability of weather, having plans and …
NDP MLA says people in Esquimalt will benefit from funds to reduce the risks of disaster related to climate change
ESQUIMALT – New Democrat MLA Mitzi Dean says that people in Esquimalt will benefit from provincial funding to help reduce risks from future disaster related natural hazards and climate change. “Climate adaptation and risk reduction are important to keep people safe, especially as our community …