AGASSIZ – New Democrat MLA Kelli Paddon says people in Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs will have more opportunities to improve their literacy, math skills, and digital skills thanks to increased funding for Community Adult Literacy Programs. “Literacy programs are just one of …
MLAs Coulter and Paddon say adult literacy program will help people build skills to succeed
CHILLIWACK– New Democrat MLAs Dan Coulter and Kelli Paddon say people in Chilliwack will have more opportunities to improve their literacy, math skills, and digital skills thanks to increased funding for Community Adult Literacy Programs. “For many people, tasks like paying bills online, …
MLA Alexis says adult literacy program will help people build skills to succeed
ABBOTSFORD – New Democrat MLA Pam Alexis says people in Abbotsford will have more opportunities to improve their literacy, math skills, and digital skills thanks to increased funding for Community Adult Literacy Programs. “We live in a world that is built for people with reading, …
MLAs Alexis and D’Eith say adult literacy program will help people build skills to succeed
MISSION– New Democrat MLAs Alexis and D’Eith say people in Mission will have more opportunities to improve their literacy, math skills, and digital skills thanks to increased funding for Community Adult Literacy Programs. “We live in a world that is built for …
MLAs D’Eith and Beare says adult literacy program will help people build skills to succeed
MAPLE RIDGE– New Democrat MLAs says people in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows will have more opportunities to improve their literacy, math skills, and digital skills thanks to increased funding for Community Adult Literacy Programs. “Literacy is an important skill that many …
MLA Michele Babchuk says adult literacy program will help people build skills to succeed
Campbell River– New Democrat MLA Michele Babchuk says people in the North Island will have more opportunities to improve their literacy, math skills, and digital skills thanks to increased funding for Community Adult Literacy Programs. “We know how important it …
MLA Harwinder Sandhu says adult literacy program will help people build skills to succeed
Vernon– New Democrat MLA Harwinder Sandhu says people in Vernon will have more opportunities to improve their literacy, math skills, and digital skills thanks to increased funding for Community Adult Literacy Programs. “It is too often that literacy skills become …
MLA Ronna-Rae Leonard says adult literacy program will help people build skills to succeed
Comox – New Democrat MLA Ronna-Rae Leonard says people in Comox will have more opportunities to improve their literacy, math skills, and digital skills thanks to increased funding for Community Adult Literacy Programs. “Adult Literacy is so important, and helps …
NDP MLAs Jennifer Rice and Nathan Cullen say adult literacy program will help people build skills to succeed
PRINCE RUPERT – New Democrat MLAs Jennifer Rice and Nathan Cullen says people in the northwest will have more opportunities to improve their literacy, math skills, and digital skills thanks to increased funding for Community Adult Literacy Programs. “By investing …
NDP MLA Bowinn Ma says adult literacy program will help people build skills to succeed
NORTH VANCOUVER – New Democrat MLA Bowinn Ma says people in North Vancouver will have more opportunities to improve their literacy, math skills, and digital skills thanks to increased funding for Community Adult Literacy Programs. “Adult literacy programs provide people …