CHILLIWACK RIVER VALLEY – New Democrat MLA Kelli Paddon says that people in the Chilliwack River Valley will be kept safer in emergency situations thanks to provincial funding to help local governments and First Nations strengthen their plans for emergency evacuation and public notification planning. “People in …
Emergency Preparedness
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NDP MLA says people in Leq’a:mel First Nation will be kept safer with stronger emergency evacuation and public notification planning
LEQ’A:MEL – New Democrat MLAs Pam Alexis and Bob D’Eith say that people in Leq’a:mel First Nation will be kept safer in emergency situations thanks to provincial funding to help local governments and First Nations strengthen their plans for emergency evacuation and public notification …
NDP MLA says community will be better prepared for climate-related disasters
CHILLIWACK – New Democrat MLAs Kelli Paddon and Dan Coulter say that people in Chilliwack will benefit from funding that will help strengthen their community’s resilience against climate-related hazards such as flooding, drought, and wildfires. “It’s crucial to make sure our …
NDP MLA Leonard says community will be better prepared for climate-related disasters
COURTENAY – New Democrat MLA Ronna-Rae Leonard says that people in the Comox Valley will benefit from funding that will help strengthen their community’s resilience against climate-related hazards such as flooding, drought, and wildfires. Ronna-Rae Leonard “With this funding, we’re …
NDP MLA Katrine Conroy says New Denver will be better prepared for climate-related disasters
NEW DENVER – New Democrat MLA Katrine Conroy says that people in New Denver will benefit from funding that will help strengthen their community’s resilience against climate-related hazards such as flooding, drought, and wildfires. “Like so many regions, the Kootenays are …
NDP MLA Malcolmson says community will be better prepared for climate-related disasters
NANAIMO – New Democrat MLA Sheila Malcolmson says that people in Nanaimo will benefit from funding that will help strengthen their community’s resilience against climate-related hazards such as flooding, drought, wildfires. “We want people in Nanaimo to feel safe and secure …
NDP MLA Routley says Cowichan Valley will be better prepared for climate-related disasters
LADYSMITH – New Democrat MLA Doug Routley says that people in the Cowichan Valley will benefit from funding that will help strengthen their community’s resilience against climate-related hazards such as flooding, drought, and wildfires. “Climate adaptation and disaster readiness requires …
NDP MLA Babchuk says Strathcona Regional District will be better prepared for climate-related disasters
CAMPBELL RIVER – New Democrat MLA Michele Babchuk says that people in the Strathcona Regional District will benefit from funding that will help strengthen their community’s resilience against climate-related hazards such as flooding, drought, wildfires. “When disaster hits, it impacts the …
NDP MLAs Lore and Dean say Greater Victoria will be better prepared for climate-related disasters
VIEW ROYAL – New Democrat MLAs Mitzi Dean and Grace Lore say that people in Victoria and the West Shore will benefit from funding that will help strengthen their community’s resilience against climate-related hazards such as flooding, drought, and wildfires. …
Funding for ground search and rescue groups will make the backcountry safer says NDP MLA Walker
PARKSVILLE – New Democrat MLA Adam Walker says annual funding from the provincial government will help ensure that Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR) groups and their volunteers are there when people need help in the backcountry. “The lakes, trails and backcountry …