EHATTESAHT FIRST NATION – New Democrat MLA Michele Babchuk says that people in the Ehattesaht First Nation territory will be safer during extreme temperatures thanks to provincial funding to help local governments and First Nations assess and plan for risks of extreme temperatures that …
Emergency Preparedness
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NDP MLA Jennifer Rice says people in Klemtu will be better equipped for extreme temperatures
KLEMTU – New Democrat MLA Jennifer Rice says that people in Klemtu will be safer during extreme temperatures thanks to provincial funding to help local governments and First Nations assess and plan for risks of extreme temperatures that B.C. has been experiencing …
NDP MLA says people in Nelson will be kept safer with stronger emergency evacuation and public notification planning
NELSON – New Democrat MLA Brittny Anderson says that people in Nelson will be kept safer in emergency situations thanks to provincial funding to help local governments and First Nations strengthen their plans for emergency evacuation and public notification planning. “Keeping people safe is the …
NDP MLA says people in Metchosin will be kept safer with stronger emergency evacuation and public notification planning
METCHOSIN – New Democrat MLA Mitzi Dean says that people in Metchosin will be kept safer in emergency situations thanks to provincial funding to help local governments and First Nations strengthen their plans for emergency evacuation and public notification planning. “The better prepared our communities …
NDP MLAs say people in Burnaby will be kept safer with stronger emergency evacuation and public notification planning
BURNABY– New Democrat MLAs Katrina Chen, Raj Chouhan, Anne Kang and Janet Routledge says that people in Burnaby will be kept safer in emergency situations thanks to provincial funding to help local governments and First Nations strengthen their plans for emergency evacuation and …
NDP MLA says people across the North Shore will be kept safer with stronger emergency evacuation and public notification planning
North Shore – New Democrat MLA Susie Chant says that people across the North Shore will be kept safer in emergency situations thanks to provincial funding to help local governments and First Nations strengthen their plans for emergency evacuation and public notification planning. …
NDP MLA says people in Klemtu will be kept safer with stronger emergency evacuation and public notification planning
KLEMTU – New Democrat MLA Jennifer Rice says that people in Klemtu will be kept safer in emergency situations thanks to provincial funding to help local governments and First Nations strengthen their plans for emergency evacuation and public notification planning. “Emergency planning requires …
NDP MLA says people on the North Island will be kept safer with stronger emergency evacuation and public notification planning
GOLD RIVER – New Democrat MLA Michele Babchuk says that people on the North Island will be kept safer in emergency situations thanks to provincial funding to help local governments and First Nations strengthen their plans for emergency evacuation and public notification planning. “Ensuring processes …
NDP MLA says people in the Cowichan Valley will be kept safer with stronger emergency evacuation and public notification planning
LADYSMITH – New Democrat MLA Doug Routley says that people in the Cowichan Valley will be kept safer in emergency situations thanks to provincial funding to help local governments and First Nations strengthen their plans for emergency evacuation and public notification planning. “Planning for evacuation …
NDP MLA says people in the Comox Valley will be kept safer with stronger emergency evacuation and public notification planning
COMOX – New Democrat MLA Ronna-Rae Leonard says that people in the Comox Valley will be kept safer in emergency situations thanks to provincial funding to help local governments and First Nations strengthen their plans for emergency evacuation and public notification planning. “If emergencies come …