VICTORIA — The B.C. Liberals have failed to show leadership as municipalities and businesses across the province struggle with how a new producer-pay recycling program should work, say New Democrats. “The B.C. Liberals brought in what could have been a …
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Liberals failing to live up to First Nations agreements
VICTORIA – Increased tensions between Tahltan elders and the proponents of an open-pit coal mine in the Sacred Headwaters of the northwest are the direct result of the B.C. Liberals saying one thing before the election and doing the exact …
B.C. oil spill advisory committee dominated by industry, say New Democrats
VICTORIA — While briefing documents show the province’s oil spill response regime is already inadequate, the B.C. Liberal response is to stack the advisory committee tasked with fixing it with representatives from the oil industry, say B.C.’s New Democrats. “Before …
Give $30 million Pacific Carbon Trust surplus back to schools, hospitals, say New Democrats
VICTORIA – New Democrats are calling on the B.C. Liberal government to invest the current $30 million Pacific Carbon Trust surplus back into capital upgrades and retrofits at public institutions. “Cash strapped schools and hospitals are forced to pay into …
As final submissions begin, Liberals leave door open to Enbridge pipeline
VICTORIA – The B.C. Liberal government has left the door open to supporting the Enbridge pipeline in the future, and has failed to take the action needed to gain provincial control of the review process, say the New Democrats. Final …
Statement from Adrian Dix on Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project
VICTORIA – B.C. New Democrat leader Adrian Dix issued the following statement on today’s announcement by the Liberal government that it does not support the Northern Gateway Pipeline project: “While the decision by the Liberal government not to support the …
新民主黨黨領狄德安(Adrian Dix) 本周新民主黨在溫哥華電影製片廠作出重要宣布,卑詩電影電視產業近來蒙受失業打擊,該片廠是眾多受害者之一。 近年由於安省積極提供稅務優惠,導致本省製片產業就業衰退。2012年本省產業流失 3500個直接與間接工作,從3萬9千500個減少至3萬6千個。同時期,安省卻增加近八千個工作機會。2013年卑詩片廠及本地製作的薪資總額,與2012年同期相比衰退32%。 若要本省電影電視產業持續蓬勃發展,必須正視警訊扭轉情勢,因此新民主黨提出務實政策改變現狀。 新民主黨政府將把外國與本地在卑詩拍攝的人力開支稅務優惠調高至40%,現行稅務優惠外國製作33%本地製作35%。九零年代新民主黨開始實施稅務優惠,自由黨政府後來提高,讓卑詩製片業成為全球最好也是最忙碌的。 卑詩提供的製片環境比其他地區優越:壯闊的場景,全球最好的工作人員,與洛杉磯同一時區。產業提供良好持續的工作─直接與間接讓卑詩大溫地區、溫哥華島和內陸各產業都因此受惠。我們打造頂級訓練機構,鼓勵年輕人投身這項振奮人心的產業,投資創造與電影電視產業支援共存的工作。 但我們不能坐著空談把機會白白讓給其他地區。悲哀的是,自由黨所謂的就業計畫卻根本不提電影電視產業;更遺憾的是,當這個產業工作開始流失要求多一些稅務優惠,政府卻拒絕他們。 最近我走訪洛杉磯與製片業領袖討論,如何才能讓他們重回卑詩拍片,自由黨卻嘲笑好萊塢是「虛幻之地」─然而本地卻常被稱為「北方好萊塢」,在這個綠色環保充滿活力的產業,所謂「虛幻」實則提供數萬個養家活口的工作。與其玩弄政治輕視它,我們更應以行動保護並讓電影電視成長,重新打造為卑詩的經典成功故事之一。 儘管我們無法畢其功於一役,但新民主黨政府將引進務實改變,例如這次鼓勵永續經濟創造幫助家庭的工作。我們相信卑詩民眾期待改變─新想法,更正面的政治文化,能幹務實的政府,為卑詩家庭帶來更好的改變。
Auditor General reveals massive problems with B.C. Liberals’ carbon offset scheme
VICTORIA— Following the release of a disturbing Auditor General’s report into the Pacific Carbon Trust, the B.C. Liberals can no longer dodge responsibility for their poorly designed carbon offset scheme, say New Democrats. “The audit shows that the government took …
B.C. Liberal spill symposium little more than greenwashing photo-op
After cheerleading changes to federal laws that weaken environmental protections and standing silently by as scientists and fish and wildlife biologists were laid off across the province, the B.C. Liberals are holding an oil spill symposium this week in a …
New Democrats take practical steps toward banning cosmetic pesticides
VICTORIA— In the legislature Thursday afternoon, New Democrat environment critic Rob Fleming re-introduced strong legislation to protect human health, pets and the environment from unnecessary exposure to toxic cosmetic pesticides. “British Columbians want a ban on cosmetic pesticides,” said Fleming. …