SAANICH – New Democrat MLA Lana Popham says local organizations and parent advisory councils will be able to support young artists and extracurricular activities thanks to over $405,000 in Community Gaming Grants funding. This round of funding is from the Community Gaming …
News for Lana Popham
back to Lana PophamMLAs Fleming, Parmar, and Popham say investments in transportation infrastructure will help Greater Victoria commuters
VICTORIA – Local New Democrat MLAs say that federal and provincial investments in public transit infrastructure will help Greater Victoria commuters get around faster and more easily. “People in Greater Victoria need reliable and accessible public transit to get around the region …
NDP MLAs say funding for emergency response and recovery will keep people safer in the Capital Region
CAPITAL REGION – New Democrat MLAs Grace Lore, Mitzi Dean, and Lana Popham say that emergency response and recovery efforts will be strengthened with funding for local emergency operations centres in the Capital Region. “When emergencies hit, we want to know our communities are …
NDP MLA Lana Popham says grants will support local organizations with environmental initiatives in Saanich
SAANICH – New Democrat MLA Lana Popham say local organizations will be able to protect local ecosystems and keep people safe thanks to $117,000 from the Community Gaming Grants program for environmental initiatives. “When our local ecosystems and environment thrive, everyone in …
NDP MLAs Popham, Fleming, and Rankin say extensive funding will support great projects for people along the Saanich Peninsula
Saanich – New Democrat MLAs Lana Popham, Rob Fleming, and Murray Rankin say that a historic investment of almost $40 million for communities along the Saanich Peninsula will enable the community to fund key projects, ensuring that people have services they …
NDP MLAs say funding will help fire departments to keep people safe in Greater Victoria
VICTORIA – New Democrat MLAs Grace Lore and Lana Popham say that new funding for equipment and training will help local volunteer and part-volunteer fire departments to continue keeping Greater Victoria safe during fires and other emergencies. “It is crucial …
NDP MLAs Lore, Rankin, and Popham say grants will strengthen access to health and safety services in Greater Victoria
VICTORIA – NDP MLAs Grace Lore, Murray Rankin, and Lana Popham say community grants to not-for-profits in Greater Victoria will help organizations buy equipment and build or renovate their facilities in order to improve their services for people. “I am …
NDP MLAs say people in Greater Victoria will benefit from funds to reduce the risks of disaster related to climate change
VICTORIA – New Democrat MLAs Grace Lore and Lana Popham say that people in Greater Victoria will benefit from provincial funding to help reduce risks from future disaster related natural hazards and climate change. Climate change is already impacting communities around the province, and …
NDP MLAs Grace Lore and Lana Popham say that new funding will help the CRD prepare for extreme heat events
CAPITAL REGIONAL DISTRICT – New Democrat MLAs Grace Lore and Lana Popham say that the new funding will help the Capital Regional District prepare for extreme heat events and keep people safe during future emergencies. “The threats of climate change are …
NDP MLAs says grants for South Island organizations will help people access vital community services
SOUTH ISLAND – New Democrat MLAs Mitzi Dean, Rob Fleming, Grace Lore, Lana Popham, and Murray Rankin say that people who receive services from local non-profits will benefit from funding to improve community health, accessibility and well-being. This year, over …