A year ends, and a new year begins Throughout 2015, the B.C. New Democrat Women’s Caucus was very active in raising issues of particular importance to women, as well as many other issues that concern all British Columbians. In this …
News for Lana Popham
back to Lana PophamOpposition Standing Committee releases report on B.C. agriculture
Victoria, B.C. – Members of the Opposition Standing Committee for Agriculture and Food released their first report on British Columbia’s agriculture sector today at the B.C. legislature. The Committee’s report summarizes public consultations held across the province over a period …
B.C. Liberals allow overseas corporation to decide fate of ALR land use
VICTORIA— After the B.C. Liberals ignored numerous concerns about ALR land misuse – the Cariboo communities and New Democrat agriculture spokesperson Lana Popham have finally been heard. “We reached out to the government about the misuse of ALR land countless …
New Democrats propose policy to protect the ALR, closing loopholes caused by lack of legislation
VICTORIA— New Democrat agriculture spokesperson Lana Popham is introducing legislation to address one of the latest challenges facing the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) — the practice of buying up prime farmland, covering it with trees and turning it into carbon …
New Democrats propose strengthening B.C. farming, reversing damage from B.C. Liberal policies
VICTORIA — New Democrat agriculture spokesperson Lana Popham will introduce legislation to improve food security, strengthen our economy, and support B.C. farmers in the face of the B.C. Liberal attacks on the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). “The B.C. Liberals aren’t …
B.C. Liberals further weaken Agricultural Land Commission by firing independent chair
VICTORIA— Not content to weaken the Agricultural Land Commission by stacking it with Liberal appointees, the B.C. Liberal government is taking their attack on B.C. farmland a step further by firing the independent chair of the Agricultural Land Commission, Richard …
B.C. Agriculture Council raises alarm over carbon offset scheme
VICTORIA – The B.C. Agriculture Council is raising the alarm over use of protected agricultural land for a carbon offset scheme, say B.C.’s New Democrats. “It makes no sense that we have over a million hectares of forest lands that haven’t …
B.C. Liberals admit carbon credit scheme threatens ALR
VICTORIA – After trying to brush aside the issue, the B.C. Liberals have conceded that carbon credit schemes are a threat to B.C.’s Agricultural Land Reserve. “Along with my colleagues on the Opposition Standing Committee for Agriculture and Food, I’ve …
Opposition committee hears agricultural concerns in Cariboo
Williams Lake, BC – The Opposition Standing Committee for Agriculture and Food heard from Cariboo farmers and ranchers that government policy and regulations are limiting opportunities for agriculture in B.C. This week’s visit to Williams Lake was the inaugural meeting …
New Democrats offer leadership on agriculture
VICTORIA— New Democrats are taking the unprecedented step of convening an Opposition Standing Committee on Agriculture and Food after well over a decade of B.C. Liberal neglect of the B.C. agriculture industry. “New Democrats believe that agriculture deserves a place in …