LANGLEY – New Democrat MLAs Megan Dykeman and Andrew Mercier say funding for sporting events in B.C. communities will boost local tourism and enrich sports communities for B.C. athletes, so sports fans, athletes, and businesses can enjoy games close to home, and travel to games across the province. “Investing in community sports organizations is …
NDP MLA Mike Starchuk says grants will support sports events and tourism in Surrey
SURREY – New Democrat MLA Mike Starchuk says funding for sporting events in B.C. communities will boost local tourism and enrich sports communities for B.C. athletes, so sports fans, athletes, and businesses can enjoy games close to home, and travel to games across the province. “Sports …
NDP MLA Sheila Malcolmson says grants will support sports events and tourism in Nanaimo
NANAIMO – New Democrat MLA Sheila Malcolmson says funding for sporting events in B.C. communities will boost local tourism and enrich sports communities for B.C. athletes, so sports fans, athletes, and businesses can enjoy games close to home, and travel to games across the province. “Investing in sports and events is investing in Nanaimo’s future,” …
NDP MLA Mitzi Dean says grants will support sports events and tourism in Colwood
COLWOOD – New Democrat MLA Mitzi Dean says funding for sporting events in B.C. communities will boost local tourism and enrich sports communities for B.C. athletes, so sports fans, athletes, and businesses can enjoy games close to home, and travel to games across the province. “Sports can …
NDP MLAs Rankin and Lore say grants will support sports events and tourism in Greater Victoria
VICTORIA – New Democrat MLAs Murray Rankin and Grace Lore say funding for sporting events in B.C. communities will boost local tourism and enrich sports communities for B.C. athletes, so sports fans, athletes, and businesses can enjoy games close to home, and …
NDP MLAs Alexis and D’Eith announce funding to replace Mission Secondary School
MISSION- New Democrat MLAs Pam Alexis and Bob D’Eith say that students in Mission will benefit from a new safer, and larger school, as funding has been allocated to replace Mission Secondary School. “When I was a school trustee between 2005 and …
NDP MLAs Beare and D’Eith say funding is coming for new Pitt Meadows Secondary
PITT MEADOWS- New Democrat MLAs Lisa Beare and Bob D’Eith say that students in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge will benefit from a new, safer, and larger school as the province allocates funding to replace Pitt Meadows Secondary School. “The replacement of Pitt …
NDP MLA Roly Russell Says that businesses will benefit from extended patio permits
NDP MLA Roly Russell Says that businesses will benefit from extended patio permits OSOYOOS- New Democrat MLA Roly Russell says that businesses in the South Okanagan and Similkameen will benefit from a government announcement that will extend temporary outdoor seating …
Safe, new homes on the way for women and children in Stikine
STIKINE – More women and children will have an affordable, safe and secure place to go, as 17 homes are either opening or starting construction in 2 different locations in Stikine. “It’s important for women and children fleeing violence to have …
今天(9日)馮宜幹的卑詩自由黨,投票反對運用卑詩2022年盈餘幫助民眾及社區的計畫。 卑詩自由黨投票與馮宜幹公開反對省長尹大衛的計畫行為一致,這項計畫將運用盈餘在優先項目,幫助民眾減輕生活負擔,確保生活安全,興建基礎設施及改善醫療衛生。 「與其合理償還部分債務或處理其他事情,新民主黨把去年的盈餘,一次性的盈餘,拿去做什麼?他們打算全部花掉。」馮宜幹告訴Global News。( 儘管卑詩自由黨企圖阻撓,最終投票成功通過授權政府投資卑詩預算盈餘,解決卑詩省民面臨最迫切的挑戰,包括: 一億五千萬元支持卑詩癌症基金會進行癌症研究 十億元「社區成長基金」投資本省各地的基礎建設及其他社區設施 一億五千萬元保障民眾安全讓老舊的911系統現代化 五億元經費支持卑詩渡輪避免票價兩位數上漲 七千五百萬元推動原住民和解協議 兩億元鞏固食物安全持續供應,在食品雜貨價格上漲之際 卑詩自由黨還逐一投票反對,幾乎所有項目的初期追加撥款(supplementary estimates)。 卑詩新民主黨省議員狄議思(Bob D’Eith)表示:「當卑詩省民面臨全球通膨的挑戰,省長尹大衛採取實際行動幫助民眾減輕生活負擔,確保生活安全,興建基礎設施及改善醫療衛生。現在需要實際行動幫助民眾,但是馮宜幹卻企圖阻撓,這清楚顯示他會讓我們生活更加艱難,卑詩省民生活更難以負擔。 」