COURTENAY – New Democrat MLAs Josie Osborne and Ronna-Rae Leonard are welcoming provincial funding, part of B.C.’s Economic Recovery Plan, for active transportation infrastructure to better connect the Comox Valley, create a more accessible community, and help reduce greenhouse gas …
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MLA Rice welcomes funding for road improvements in Bella Coola
PRINCE RUPERT – New Democrat MLA Jennifer Rice is welcoming provincial funding from B.C.’s Economic Recovery Plan for improvements to the Nusatsum and Clayton Forest Service Roads in Bella Coola. “Our New Democrat government is committed to having an economic recovery that works …
People in the Northwest to benefit from better local infrastructure
HAZELTON – New Democrat MLA Doug Donaldson says that people in the Northwest will benefit from better, safer local infrastructure thanks to a new joint provincial-federal investment of over $11.3 million in four projects in the region. “Our government has …
MLA Chow says people in Vancouver to benefit from local poverty action plan
VANCOUVER – New Democrat MLA for Vancouver-Fraserview George Chow is welcoming $50,000 in provincial grant funding to help local government boost supports for vulnerable and low-income people in Vancouver. The grant funding will enable the City of Vancouver to establish …
【溫哥華訊】新民主黨省議員周炯華,在溫哥華—菲沙圍區(Vancouver-Fraserview)提供改善交通新措施,宣布在菲沙河區(River District)設置全新的南北向公車連結架空列車(SkyTrain)車站。這是去年周炯華主導的社區交通工作小組,所提出的主要建議事項之一。 「我十分榮幸,運輸連線(TransLink)採納了我們工作小組建議事項改善交通服務。」省議員周炯華表示。「這項投資將確保我們社區內的年長者和年輕家庭,都能獲得可負擔的通勤方式與便捷交通服務,同時減少塞車及碳排放汙染。」 這項投資是我們卑詩省政府,為大溫市長議會「十年願景」第二階段提供的25億元經費其中一部分。全新公車路線—運輸連線31號公車—將為菲沙河區居民提供固定的服務,連結鐵道鎮(Metrotown)架空列車站以及該區域其它地方。菲沙河區是溫哥華成長最快速的社區之一,未來數十年興建完成後,將新增一萬五千至一萬八千位居民。這條新公車路線從四月六日起投入服務,周一至周五從清晨六點開始,每三十五分鐘一個班次,周六從清晨七點開始,周日從清晨八點開始,每三十分鐘一個班次。 2019年7月,省議員周炯華公布溫哥華—菲沙圍區交通工作小組報告,報告包括三項建議改善公車服務,其中一項就是設置南北向公車路線連結菲沙河區到架空列車站。其它建議包括增加26號公車班次,以及改善年長者搭乘49號公車的方便性。 更多資訊如下: 關於新公車路線的更多詳盡資訊,請參考: 2019年7月溫哥華—菲沙圍區交通工作小組報告,請參考: 圖說:省議員周炯華及溫哥華—菲沙圍區交通工作小組成員開會情況。 *有意採訪省議員周炯華的媒體,請與李寧Jony Li 聯絡。
MLA Chow delivers improved transit service for River District
VANCOUVER – New Democrat MLA George Chow is delivering results for people in Vancouver-Fraserview with the announcement of a new north-south bus route to a SkyTrain station servicing the River District neighbourhood. This was one of the key recommendations from …
BC Liberal ‘garbage bumps’ a real waste, says NDP’s Kahlon
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Local MLA Lisa Beare celebrates completed safety upgrades along Highway 7
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Surrey MLAs celebrate major increases to public transit
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New Democrat MLAs celebrate major increases to public transit in Vancouver
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