DELTA – New Democrat MLA Kahlon says students at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) campus on Annacis Island will have greater access to valuable learning opportunities with new co-op and work-integrated learning funding. “B.C. is leading Canada in economic recovery, and the key to …
MLA Susie Chant says students at Capilano University will benefit from more co-op and work-integrated learning opportunities
North Vancouver – New Democrat MLA Chant says students at Capilano University will have greater access to valuable learning opportunities with new co-op and work-integrated learning funding. “It’s so important that post-secondary students are well prepared to enter our workforce after graduation,” said Susie …
NDP MLAs say students at Justice Institute of British Columbia will benefit from more co-op and work-integrated learning opportunities
NEW WESTMINSTER – New Democrat MLAs Jennifer Whiteside and Aman Singh say students at the Justice Institute of British Columba will have greater access to valuable learning opportunities with new co-op and work-integrated learning funding. “I am so proud of the resilience of students …
Burnaby NDP MLAs say students at Simon Fraser University will benefit from more co-op and work-integrated learning opportunities
BURNABY – New Democrat MLAs Janet Routledge, Katrina Chen, Anne Kang, and Raj Chouhan say students at Simon Fraser University will have greater access to valuable learning opportunities with new co-op and work-integrated learning funding. “Post-secondary students deserve to have access to opportunities that …
Okanagan NDP MLAs say students across the Interior will benefit from more co-op and work-integrated learning opportunities
B.C. INTERIOR – New Democrat MLAs Roly Russell and Harwinder Sandhu say students at Okanagan College, UBC Okanagan, and Thompson Rivers University will have greater access to valuable learning opportunities with new co-op and work-integrated learning funding. B.C. colleges and universities offer students incredible education …
Kootenay MLAs say students at Selkirk College will benefit from more co-op and work-integrated learning opportunities
KOOTENAYS – New Democrat MLAs Brittny Anderson, Katrine Conroy and Roly Russell say students at Selkirk College will have greater access to valuable learning opportunities with new co-op and work-integrated learning funding. “Students at Selkirk College are excited to embark on new opportunities, and employers …
MLA Brittny Anderson says students at College of the Rockies will benefit from more co-op and work-integrated learning opportunities
CRESTON– New Democrat MLA Brittny Anderson says students at College of the Rockies will have greater access to valuable learning opportunities with new co-op and work-integrated learning funding. “Attending a B.C. college doesn’t mean just getting an education, it means practical, on the ground experience for students,” said …
NDP MLA Leonard says expanded organic waste project in Comox will help fight climate change
COMOX – New Democrat MLA Ronna-Rae Leonard says an expanded organic waste projects in Comox will help decrease greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs and produce compost for residents. “Being aware of our food waste is one of the tangible things we can all do to combat climate change,” said MLA Leonard. “I’m excited to …
NDP MLA Simons says expanded organic waste project in Powell River will help fight climate change
POWELL RIVER – New Democrat MLA Nicholas Simons says an expanded organic waste project in Powell River will help decrease greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs and produce compost for residents. “Powell Riverites are passionate about addressing climate change, reducing wildlife conflict, and keeping our city beautiful, “said MLA Simons. …
NDP MLA Anderson says new organic waste project in the Kootenays will help fight climate change
KOOTENAYS – New Democrat MLA Brittny Anderson says a new organic waste project between the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK), City of Castlegar, and Town of Creston will help decrease greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs and produce compost for residents. “People across the Kootenays want to do their …