VICTORIA— After New Democrats and LGBTQ advocates pushed for years for B.C. schools to have explicit policies to protect LGBTQ youth, the B.C. Liberals finally relented and announced changes, say New Democrats “LGBTQ youth face much higher rates of violence, …
Christy Clark leaves children in mental health crisis facing 200-day waitlist
VANCOUVER — A report from the Representative for Children and Youth shows that the Christy Clark government is failing children and families in mental health crisis, say B.C. New Democrats. “In Christy Clark’s B.C. vulnerable children are not a priority. …
Foreign buyers’ tax does nothing for affordability, needs to be fixed: Horgan
VICTORIA– Premier Christy Clark’s foreign home-buyers tax has failed to improve housing affordability and needs to be fixed by the amendments proposed by New Democrats during July debates in the legislature, writes NDP leader John Horgan in a letter sent …
Christy Clark ferry fix won’t come until after the election
VICTORIA— Christy Clark admitted that when she made cuts to the North Coast ferry in 2014 it decimated the Discovery Route, and heavily impacted First Nations economies and tourism. Even worse, the chaos she created won’t be fixed for at …
B.C. New Democrats take strong stand for public health care
VICTORIA— New Democrat health spokesperson Judy Darcy released the following statement in regards to the lawsuit launched by Brian Day to further privatize our health care: “John Horgan and the B.C. New Democrats believe that publicly funded, publicly delivered health …
B.C. Liberals force parents, teachers to bear burden of basic education costs, Horgan says
BURNABY – As Christy Clark continues to starve school budgets, parents and teachers are being forced to pay for the basics in B.C.’s public schools, says New Democrat leader John Horgan. “School starts next week, so many parents have already …
Christy Clark’s education minister brags about kids in Chilliwack forced to learn in portables
CHILLIWACK– Christy Clark’s education minister used the number of portables in Chilliwack as an excuse for why he thinks it’s okay government has failed to get 7,000 kids out of Surrey portables. “Only the Christy Clark government would brag about …
B.C. Liberals’ disability bus pass clawback takes effect
VICTORIA— Despite protests across the province, the B.C. Liberals have raised the price of bus passes for people with disabilities from $45 a year to $624 a year. “By raising the cost of bus passes for people with disabilities the …
Portable classrooms prove Surrey students not getting fair share from Christy Clark
SURREY – No student should spend 13 years learning in portables, said New Democrat leader John Horgan. “Next week, students in Surrey will start another year of school. Christy Clark seems to think it’s acceptable that some of those kids …
Christy Clark doesn’t care about making life affordable for British Columbians
VICTORIA – In Premier Christy Clark’s newest campaign ad, modeled after Stephen Harper’s campaign ads, she hypocritically claims that her priority is to “keep taxes down so people have more money in their pockets.” But the only people she cares …